+32473115604 Den Leeuwenberghstraat 10, 2650 Edegem, Belgium

Our Partners

Quality charter worldwide, quality yachts to your highest standards in Mediterranean, Caribbean, South-East waters and even in the spectacular Baltic.  Bareboat yachts from 32 tor 65 ft, but sometimes with a certified skipper. And this is where Into the Blue BV comes in: our team of commercial endorsed skippers has experience in these waters and what’s even more: we know how to handle your company and guide you through the pitfalls of every touristic charter area. Please don’t hesitate to contact Paul at Mascott-sailing for an offer without obligation.

Belgium’s number one RYA training center, practical and theoretical sail training, all RYA levels. From Competent Crew to RYA Yachtmaster.  Many training locations in Belgium, but for practical sail training mostly on the versatile and tidal waters of the Oosterschelde, in Dutch Zeeland. Our partnership consists of mutual interest in promoting the RYA Competent Crew and RYA Day Skipper practical sail training, and creating Milebuilding trips for future Yachtmasters, as the Into the Blue skippers do a lot of milebuilding while delivering boats worldwide.

For training schemes and kalenders go to

Our partnership with Haarlemsail is a 20+ year old relationship. As Into the Blue skippers we can’t be on 2 boats at the same time, and each of us has a preferred activity. So Haarlemsail does some yearly transats to the Caribbean, and keeps your yacht technically on the nautical edge. Winter-maintenance on distant shores or boat-keeping while you can’t be on your boat, it is all in our services.

Contact Leon for more information and availability

Team building or a particular meeting with business-partners or friends?  A one-day sailing experience or multiple-day challenging trip?  This we organize together with Incentive Sailing and on a more luxurious 45-footer in Dutch (Zeeland) waters or in more challenging waters like Brittany or the Solent. Please check for our summer destination. ( 2021 will be French Brittany)

Last minute decisions or midweek sailing in spring or autumn ? Breakfast and lunch ? Meeting room required ? Please call for a tailor made proposal ! Our 15-year experience and expertise will help you to succeed, our Into-the-Blue certified skippers guarantee you a worriless sailing experience